
Thursday, September 1, 2011

10 years today ...

oday 10 years ago i married my one true love ... The morning of our wedding i woke up to rain ... but that soon eased off to reveal a beautiful day ahead of me. Everything was ready to go, my dress was hanging up waiting for my hair and makeup to get done before I could slip into it. I loved my dress ... It was very girly and sparkly. The time came to hop in the car and make the trip to meet up with Brendan. We exchanged our vowels at a little wedding garden called Noelas Garden ... It was beautiful. we were running a little late as there was road works on our way there that we got held up in but I knew that Brendan would still be waiting for me. I was starting to feel a little nervous by the time we arrived but once I saw him waiting there for me ..... Everything seemed perfect. I will remember this day for the rest of my life.

I will also remember our 10th wedding anniversary .... Emma has a nasty chest infection and Mitchell came down with the chicken pox ..... What a way to celebrate our anniversary .....

A few pictures of our special day xoxoxo

i love you so much xoxoxox

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