
Sunday, March 13, 2011

it's all about football ....

the boys were extremely happy that footy was back. my friday nights will not be the same again for a very long time ... no more homes and gardens for me. we decided not to make the trek into suncorp stadium for the broncos first game but watched it from the comfort of our lounge room ... which suited me and emma :)

i seem to be losing in this weeks wild family footy tipping. mitch is in the lead and looks like he will take out week one ... must choose wisely next week.

mitchell had his very first game of competition rugby league this morning. he plays for the bears in the under 8's division and it is serious. full on tackles, big hits and some over enthused parents.

we were on the road by 7.40 and were headed to Bardon to play against wests. the game went for 40 minutes, 10 mintues in each quarter. the children were rotated to ensure everyone got a fair go .... each child playing for a total of 20 minutes (10 on, 10 off, 10 on, 10 off).

mitch had so much fun and was completely exhasuted by the end of the game.

check out some of the action shots:

chat soon bec

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